Tax Office Makeover - Episode 3 thumbnail

Tax Office Makeover Episode #3 transforms a tax practice

Experts begin to reveal the transformation of Guardian Tax

Episode #3 is here and we think it's the best episode yet, as we begin to reveal the transformation of our Tax Office Makeover winner's office and brand. Watch episode #3 and get tips for transforming your own office.

Brand identity revealed

In episode #3 of our Tax Office Makeover video series, our host and marketing expert Jan Buncher, reveals the logomark and font, explaining why particular fonts or styles are selected when designing a logo.

Logo reveal
Chair reveal

Office interior decor

We reveal interior elements as we ask Guardian Tax Owner, Karyn Chapman's opinion of office decor that will be used to transform the feel of her office.

Office exterior transformation

Watch the reveal of the office exterior where we implement simple design elements to integrate the new brand identity into the storefront. Get ideas for how you can employ design elements in your own office exterior.

Office Exterior Reveal
Website transformation

Digital transformation

Santa Barbara Tax Products Group UX designer McKenzie Records explains the transformation of the Guardian Tax website and offers tips for changes you can make to your own website.

Expert insights

Grafico Marketing Group Founder and Chief Creative Officer Lou Costantini has years of experience transforming retail environments. He provides great insights into the transformation of Guardian Tax and opportunities you should consider as you transform your own office.

Lou Costantini
Makeover Exterior

Saving the best for last?

And for the part everyone has been waiting for...we'll begin to show the office transformation as we makeover the Guardian Tax office from the inside out.

Watch Episode Three