Tax Pro Marketing Course

Take the tax pro marketing course

Struggling to grow your tax preparation business?

Get 2 weeks of marketing training

Hitting a ceiling on your office's growth or struggling to maintain share and looking for growth hacks? Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg) has developed a 2-week marketing course stacked with in-depth marketing training, designed exclusively for tax professionals.

Sign up today and start getting marketing training you can implement immediately.

Marketing Course

Get the latest on

Office staging

Digital Marketing

Social Strategies

Traditional media

Client segmentation

Brand Management

Get fresh insights

Designed for independent tax pros

The marketing course content will stretch you in various disciplines of marketing, advertising, customer experience and more. Tailored to the unique needs of independent tax professionals, get tips and practical examples that you can use to transform your business.


Featuring guest content

Get insights from industry leaders

Get exclusive content from industry experts with real-world experience in retail, social media and brand management. Sign up and get access to exclusive content.

The price is too good to be true

Cost: Free