How to enroll with TPG
Instructions for Drake Software customers - Multi-Site Office
Single office instructions available here.
Step 1
Visit the Drake Software website and click Sign In
Step 2
Login with your Drake Username and Password
Step 3
Click on “Account” to expand the field
Step 4
Select "Sub-Offices”
A list of all sub-offices should display
Step 5
First, you need to verify that all information on the Account Info tab has been verified for the SUB EFIN
Click on the Account number that you want to update
Step 6
ALWAYS verify that the EFIN displaying is the EFIN that you’re trying to update
Step 7
Complete all required fields and click “Save” at the bottom of the page
To complete the bank application, select “Bank Application” in the drop-down box
Step 8
Select “Santa Barbara Tax Products Group” in the drop-down box for the regular program
Select sbtpg – Prep Paid for the Prep Paid program