NEW! Ensure IRS and FTC compliance

Safeguard taxpayer data and protect your tax practice1

Services provided by Watch Cloud Cyber Security

Activate our all-in-one cybersecurity solution

Get everything you need to comply with IRS Publication 4557 & FTC Safeguards Rule

Managed detection and remediation

Managed Detection & Remediation

The Managed Detection & Remediation (MDR) cybersecurity service identifies and addresses potential cyber threats in real-time to safeguard financial systems and data.

Recovery plan

Recovery plan

Detailed strategy outlining systematic steps for finance professionals to restore and resume critical operations and data access after a cybersecurity incident, minimizing downtime and mitigating financial losses.



The Written Information Security Plan (WISP) outlines specific measures and protocols designed to protect financial data and systems, ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability while mitigating potential cyber threats.

Cloud computing

Backup software

Secure digital solution automatically copies and stores essential financial data and documents, providing a reliable way to recover information in case of data loss or system failure.

Cyber education

Cyber education

Training and awareness about digital risks and best practices, empowering you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps to safeguard financial data and systems from cyber threats.



Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides a secure digital tunnel that allows finance professionals to access and transmit sensitive financial information over the internet with encryption and anonymity, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or data interception.

Also receive instructional guidance on protecting your practice

Multi-factor authentication


Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) enhanced security method requires professionals to provide two or more forms of identity verification, such as a password and a fingerprint, before granting access to financial systems or data.

Drive encryption

Drive encryption

Converts financial data into unreadable code on storage devices, ensuring that only authorized individuals with the appropriate decryption key can access and comprehend the sensitive information.



Digital barrier that safeguards financial networks and data by controlling incoming and outgoing internet traffic, preventing unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.

Protecting taxpayer data is the law

Comply with IRS Publication 4557 & FTC Safeguards Rule

Federal law gives the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) authority to regulate tax professional data safeguards. The IRS & FTC have created guidelines for data security compliance. If you are audited and do not have these measures in place, you can face fines in excess of $50,000.

Our all-in-one solution provides the tools and resources you need to comply with IRS Publication 4557 and the FTC Safeguards Rule.

Need help managing data security?

Eliminate the stress of worrying about compliance

If you're like most tax professionals you don't have an IT professional on staff and you aren't an expert on information security for tax practitioners and taxpayer data. Satisfying the IRS Security Summit Taxes-Security-Together Checklist can be intimidating as these require:

  • Deploying the "Security Six"
  • Creating a data security plan
  • Educating yourself and being alert to key email scams
  • Recognizing the signs of client data theft
  • Creating a data theft recovery plan

With IRS and FTC compliance at stake, selecting an all-in-one solution can save you time and help you satisfy IRS and FTC regulations.

How it works

tax software loan

Register for the service

Complete the simple registration form, indicating the number of devices you are securing in your tax practice.

Help buying tax software

Purchase your subscription

Purchase your annual subscription by credit card, and pay per device.


Get started

Our partner will contact you to get the process started, securing your client's data and protecting your tax practice.

Have questions?

Yes, in 2019 the IRS announced that tax professionals are legally required under the FTC Safeguards Rule to create a Written Information Security Plan (WISP) to protect client data. Failure to do so may result in an FTC investigation, fines and discipline under Circular 230.

Yes, the FTC and IRS cybersecurity regulations apply to all tax professionals, regardless of office size. 

Failing to create and maintain a WISP can put your clients at risk for identity theft and fraud. You are also at risk of discipline under Circular 230 and violating the Safeguards Rule. The FTC may apply civil penalties up to $50,120 per violation.

Yes, a Written Information Security Plan (WISP) is required to renew your PTIN.

Your Cybersecurity subscription includes:

  • Managed detection and remediation of cyber threats
  • Backup software to expedite information recovery in case of data loss
  • VPN data encryption of your internet traffic and IP masking
  • Creation of a Written Information Security Plan
  • Online training about digital risks and best practices
  • Creation of a cybersecurity incident recovery plan

You will also receive informational guidance on:

  • Drive encryption of storage devices
  • Firewall to safeguard your network traffic
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for enhanced security

You may sign up for cybersecurity services and select from 2 payment options:

  • Monthly payment - pay the annual subscription cost in 12 monthly payments by credit card or ACH (direct deposit)
  • Annual payment - pay the annual subscription cost upfront by credit card or ACH (direct deposit)

Once you have purchased a plan, our cybersecurity partners at Watch Cloud will contact you via email, and will guide you through installation and setup process. 

Secure my tax practice now

Cybersecurity services provided through a partnership with Watch Cloud Cyber Security.

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1 Cybersecurity services provided through a partnership with Watch Cloud Cyber Security which is not an affiliate of Santa Barbara Tax Products Group or Green Dot Corporation. Tax professional pays a separate fee for this service.